Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scheduling Conflicts

So I like a whole lot. One of my best assets is being extremly organized....and making and adhering to schedules falls in that wheelhouse.
You know who doesn't like schedules....Colin. He wakes up anytime between 4 and 6 and he goes to bed anytime between 5 and 7. All day long he sleeps at random times for random amounts of times. I try to encouarge him to eat every 4 hours, but that doesn't always work because some days he'll demand a bottle after 2 and a half. It's insane. The only sort of constant I have is that he usually takes 3 naps a day. Usually I say because today he's already had 2, it's only 12 and I just caught him yawning lol.
This drives me insane. Not knowing when I'm going to do something makes me feel like my life is out of control. It causes me great amounts of stress. Rob keeps telling me I need to "calm down" and "go with the flow." I'm trying so hard to adopt this attitude, but it's hard. I'm just not a calm down go with the flow kinda gal, ya know.
Pray for me please that I can learn to relax before I lose my mind lol.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Woes

So I know the holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year....but please allow me to whine a little....

Apparently Colin didn't get the memo that holidays are fun. He was absolutley miserable 95 % of the day. He wouldn't let anyone hold him without screaming after 45 seconds and he refused to be put down. Rob and I spent our whole day passing him back and forth to give our arms a break. With all the excitement of having people everywhere and being in a new place, he also refused to he was extremely cranky. Cranky baby that refuses to be put down or held by anyone other than parents = cranky mommy and daddy. To top it all off, Rob broke his toe so he had that to deal with.

It sucked. Big time. So bad in fact that I am dreading Christmas. I might refuse to go. The way I see it, no one will miss us anyway because Colin was such a butt that no one even liked him lol. Even his grandma gave up on him.

Having a baby is a pretty lonely job sometimes, I think.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello Blogging World...I'm BACK!

I've missed blogging. I find it really helps me to write things down (or type them).

So I read a post that Aimee wrote about missing when Hailey was a baby....and it made me think about how even though Colin is only 3 months, I'm already feeling a little bit of the same way. Granted Haily is a lot older than Colin and I'm sure Aimee feels it more than me....but my issue is- since birth Colin needed me to rock him to that's what I did. Some days he would wake as soon as I put him those days I literally spent all day in my glider almost. I hated it..... about 2 weeks ago, Colin stopped letting me rock him to fact as soon as I even put him in a rocking like position he screams bloody murder. For him to take his nap and for night night, I put him in his Amby Bed and pat the bottom of it while he sucks his pacifier. It's a lot easier than the hours I used to spend rocking him because I can leave the room as soon as he calms down and he'll "suck" himself to sleep lol so you think I'd be happy right??? Wrong lol. I miss rocking him. I feel like those were special times and they're gone forever. I know I'm being a little dramatic here.... but still.
The whole situation has inspired me to try and live for the moment and appreciate the stage that Colin is in....even if it's major fuss bucket and sometimes I think I'm going to go crazy.... because one day it'll all be over and I know I'll miss it then.